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Knit Kimono 18 Designs with Simple Shapes
[ · Скачать удаленно () ] 18.03.2010, 22:24
18 оригинальных проектов интерпретация традиционного японского стиля кимоно.

"This lovely little book features 18 designs, all with minimal shaping. The beauty of each garment is in the stitch pattern or colorwork. . . . There's something for everyone here." —Planet Purl

"Knitters in search of adventure will find much of interest." —Bangor Daily News

"If you'd like to embrace the popular trend . . . Knit Kimono offers a selection of patterns to suit any taste." —The Detroit News

"Square's designs are elegant and most are accessible even to beginners." —News-Observer (Raleigh, North Carolina)

"A stunning collection . . . natural fibers and stitches were carefully selected to reflect the movement and drape of the traditional garments." —Monsters and Critics.com

From casual to formal, the kimono shape has endured for centuries as an internationally recognized icon of Japanese life and culture. With 18 original designs, each a knitted interpretation of a traditional kimono style, this handbook makes knitting homemade kimonos deceptively easy. Projects are based on rectangular forms that require very little shaping, and are ideal first-garment projects for knitters wanting to venture beyond scarves. Clever details in stitch patterns and edgings, such as the use of silk, linen, and bamboo yarns, add sophistication and elegance to even the simplest designs. The flattering drape and luxurious style of the kimono will appeal to veteran and beginning knitters alike.

издатель : Interweave Press
автор: Vicki Square
год: September 1, 2007
язык : English
формат: pdf
страниц : 129
ISBN: 978-1931499897
размер : 66,28 мб - 16,67 мб
качество : хорошее , цветные фото и схемы
Категория: Разное | Добавил: sozdatel | Теги: Knit Kimono 18 Designs with Simple
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